'Democrats Side with the Mob, Support Efforts to Defund or Outright Abolish Us - We Must Re-Elect President Donald J. Trump!

'Democrats Side with the Mob, Support Efforts to Defund or Outright Abolish Us
We Must Re-Elect President Donald J. Trump!

For the men and women of our nation’s law enforcement community, President’s Trump’s reelection isn’t just desirable — it’s imperative.

Joe Biden, despite his efforts to play it coy, has directly endorsed the objectives of the "defund the police" movement, sharpening the contrast between his increasingly radical platform and the Trump administration’s consistent support for the law enforcement professionals enforcing our laws and keeping our communities safe.

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Trump recently won the endorsement of many police organizations, including this publication, which represents more than 800,000 law enforcement officers nationally.

This is particularly significant in light of the many endorsements of President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

As our nation’s men and women in blue watch the news, many are justifiably horrified.

In New York City, a protester attacked a law enforcement officer with a wooden object, instigating an "all-out brawl" between police officers and protesters armed with wooden bats. Meanwhile, many Democratic elected officials are siding with the mob, supporting efforts to defund or outright abolish local law enforcement agencies and police departments.

Trump, on the other hand, has taken decisive action to protect America’s history and heritage, directing Attorney General William "Bill" Barr (as one example) to prosecute those who damage historical monuments and assault our officers in uniform.

The president has also actively fought for and secured passage of numerous bills to provide support to our men and women in uniform.

Trump’s advocacy for the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act is one example of the actions he has taken on behalf of police. During his first year in office, Trump aggressively pushed for Congress to pass this law, which seeks to ensure that our men and women in blue have access to quality mental health treatment if necessary; this is a recognition of the reality that an officer’s mental health is just as critical as their physical health.

Additionally, Trump signed legislation making the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund permanent, appropriating $7.4 billion to benefit the police officers, firefighters and other first responders who sacrificed their own health and safety to save lives on Sept. 11, 2001.

Our nation's 45th president recognizes that these heroes deserve to be rewarded for their courage, not forced to bear the costs of treating medical conditions related to their selfless actions.

Trump has also revitalized the Project Safe Neighborhoods program geared toward reducing violent crime. This initiative seeks to reduce violent crime by coordinating federal, state, tribal and local law enforcement to "develop comprehensive solutions" for reducing violent crime. The revitalized PSN has already made great strides, with Attorney General Barr proclaiming the initiative a "major success."

Donald J. Trump's record of defending law and order and supporting our nation’s law enforcement officers is not only extensive, it's indisputable. On the other hand, and at the opposite end of the spectrum, Joe Biden’s rhetoric makes it abundantly clear that he represents an existential threat to public safety, that is if he ever makes it to the Oval Office.

I ask that every officer in our great country take a moment to think and who supports law enforcement and who is worthy of your vote. Let’s send President Trump back to the White House for another four years.

Congratulations to President Trump for being awarded Blue Magazine’s 2020 Man of the Year. You are most deserving of this award.


As New York City’s 40th Police Commissioner, Bernard Kerik was in command of the NYPD on September 11, 2001, and responsible for the city’s response, rescue, recovery, and the investigative efforts of the most substantial terror attack in world history. His 35-year career has been recognized in more than 100 awards for meritorious and heroic service, including a presidential commendation for heroism by President Ronald Reagan, two Distinguished Service Awards from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, The Ellis Island Medal of Honor, and an appointment as Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.