Democrat Tyranny; Let the Lawsuits Begin

Lt. Patrick J Ciser (retired)

One definition of tyranny is this; Dominance through threat of punishment. We are now witnessing tyranny from the likes of Joe Biden, OSHA and most Democratic leaders across the country with their draconian vaccination mandates. How the hell did “Stop the spread” turn into an “iron fist” government mandate from one administration to the next? How the hell did our first responders that we called our COVID heroes become zeros in such a short period of time? Last year, NYC had erected “heroes work here” signs at all of their major hospitals. I’d like to say that politicians were appreciative to all “first responders” but cops, unfortunately, never really felt the love. Between the defund the police movement, allowing rioters to pillage at will, and paint BLACK LIVES MATTER (a Marxist group) on 5th Avenue, Democrat politicians never really saw us as heroes. Bill, “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out” deBlasio had only disdain for the men and women in Blue.

Due to the insanity that we witnessed during the George Floyd riots, including tying our hands, and the politicians making light of someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at a police car, etc. we saw many retirements and even resignations. So, what’s better for the city and its rising crime rate than threatening to fire as many as 30% of the rank and file due to vax mandates? Understand that although I have no desire to get the “jab,” I’m not against it for others. I’m simply a firm believer that we should all be free to decide either way, without any threats from our government. Brave men and women have died protecting our freedoms in America, just for an overbearing government to step in and rip those freedoms away? Could you imagine if Donald Trump tried pulling this shit? The liberal media would be comparing him to Adolf Hitler! And isn’t it the Democrats that keep repeating the mantra, “my body, my choice?” But only when it’s politically expedient.

Why also is it that millions across America had COVID, also known as SARS-CoV2, and are now 7 times more protected than everyone who got the jab, yet they are still being threatened into getting inoculated anyway? With approximately 70% of the population getting at least one dose, and the millions that got over it and carry the antibodies, haven’t we achieved “herd immunity?” Remember when the wise and powerful Dr. Anthony Fauci said over the summer that if we reach that percentage, we’d achieve that goal. Unfortunately, this bullshit got so political that they keep raising the bar. But it’s time to figure in the millions who had it, and beat it as well. Rather than just having “vax” cards, we should issue “antibody” cards, too. We’re constantly told to follow the science, but that’s exactly what Democrat politicians aren’t doing! Don’t these bureaucrats read the same studies that we do?

It’s time to fight back, people, just like the 27 red states and counting, that filed lawsuits against the Biden administration! NO ONE should be losing their jobs over this! Also, studies have shown that inoculated people are carriers just like the rest of us. So, don’t believe the BS that only we, the uninoculated, are spreading the virus!

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents, which are our largest law enforcement agency, are particularly upset with Joe Biden’s executive order mandating all federal agencies get inoculated, because“no show Joe” does nothing to stop the roughly 200,000 unvaccinated immigrants per month from coming over the Border. But he’s ready, willing, and able to fire these patriotic Americans who serve our country every day. With the administration’s open border policy, that they’ll of course deny, perhaps they don’t mind having a manpower shortage. Turning Texas and Florida into California is the Democrats’ goal, this way you’ll never see another Republican president. As of this writing, 70 flights of illegals have arrived in Florida, to Gov. Ron DeSantis objections.

Truckers last year were some of our unsung heroes as well, as they delivered food and other needed goods across our country. Today, Joe Biden wants to also force truckers into getting vaxed, with no regard for our food chain supply or Christmas gifts. Everyone agrees that we don’t have enough truckers across the country to deliver goods now; imagine if he fires thousands? FIGHT BACK AMERICA, this is OUR country! WE THE PEOPLE!

Nov. 6, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit “stayed” Biden’s vaccine mandate for private businesses with over 100 employees.