Solving America's Crisis. Start With Yourself

America in Crisis
By: Eric Caron

In 2021, life expectancy in the United States dropped again to age 76.6, caused primarily by the epidemic of mental illness and substance abuse.

May was Mental Health Awareness Month, and quite frankly, America needs a rebirth. I was taught the “Secret” of living a long and healthy life that serves as my core principles which ultimately saved my life. It’s time for Americans to get “Switched On.”

Given the last two years of pandemic living, many people are realizing stress, isolation, and uncertainty have taken a drastic toll on their overall well-being. Many have turned to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, only to exacerbate their depression and leading them on a dark-lonely path to suicide. According to the National Institute of Health, suicide is among the leading causes of death in the United States including in our military, law enforcement and our youth.

In 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) reported suicide as the second leading cause of death among youth aged 10-14, and adults aged 24-35 with nearly 46,000 total deaths.  Yes, you read that correctly … 46,000 total suicide deaths in just one year.

Furthermore, the nationwide crisis of opioid misuse and addiction is fueling suicides, and has evolved into an urgent public health emergency. The CDC estimated that 106,854 people died of drug overdose in the 12-month period ending November 2021. Shockingly, since 1999 over one million Americans have died due to drug overdoses.

Each death from suicide and overdose has a rippling effect …a heavy toll both emotionally and financially on families, caregivers and our communities.

I believe it’s time for America to get back to basics and start living a “Switched on Life.” (SOL)  living switched on is a daily decision, a moment by moment choice, and a constant awareness and mindset. It is a coat of armor that protects you from ALL types of threats, both in your physical and emotional world.    

How we “nourish” the Mind, Body, and Soul is the foundation of living a SOL.  They are equally important and interconnect and influence each sphere in a positive or negative way. We simply need to feed, train and practice each of them daily.  

The Mind - If you train the mind, the most important “muscle,” the body will follow. To maximize brain training we need to engage in challenging, creative activities that must be practiced such as: painting, learning a language, instrument and sewing. Physical activities (swimming, jogging, cycling, yoga and meditation) have not only a positive effect on the body, but the mind, too.    

The Body - Sleep, Eat and Exercise (SEE) - The 3 most important things we do daily. 

Sleep allows both the body and brain to recover daily from life’s events. Sleep deficiency is not only feeling tired but increases obesity, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, etc. … you get it! Lack of sleep literally can kill you. Recent studies have shown that getting a good night’s sleep (8 hours) can actually heal/strengthen your body and mind. What we are eating throughout the day and evening along with physical activities or lack thereof will have a direct effect on our sleep hygiene. 

Eating - The consumption of healthy food is required for energy and development, and plays an important role in the promotion of good physical and mental health. It may be a cliché, but you really are what you eat! The food you put into your body becomes your daily fuel and promotes a healthy mind-body-soul.

Exercise - Everyone knows daily exercise is essential, often affecting your mind or “mood,” to improving your sleep and sex life. Exercise also adds years to your life, and controls your weight, and I’m not talking about Ironman training.  Medical experts recommend regular exercise to maintain good health and to prevent many diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, Alzheimer’s and depression.

The Soul - Strengthen the soul through faith which is like the wind … you can’t see it, but you feel it. We must find meaning and purpose in our daily lives. It’s our responses to life’s moments filled with good and bad, love and loss which shape our souls. Our response to life’s events is our choice. We must strengthen the soul to believe that through it all Life Is Good! If you’re secular, you might find it outside of religions in actions such as spending time in nature, yoga, meditating or volunteering.

The mind-body-soul is interconnected and must be fed, and cared for if we are to respond in a healthy way overcoming adversities and hardships.

American’s more than ever need to be alert, be ready, be able. Are you ready to change your life … implement these core principles wherever you play or pray and get “Switched On!”

Eric Caron is a Special Agent (Ret) with 25 years of service. He is the author of "Switched On - The Heart & Mind of a Special Agent." His website is: