Slavery Aided by the “U.S. Welcome Patrol”

Slavery Aided by the “U.S. Welcome Patrol”
By: Eric Caron

The fight against human trafficking is one of the greatest human rights causes of our times, and our civilization is truly under attack. As far back as humanity goes, people have bought, sold and enslaved other people for various reasons. Naively, Americans believe slavery ended hundreds of years ago.

Shockingly, as you read this article, over two million people globally are being trafficked and over 30 million people worldwide are trapped in “modern slavery”. Yes, slavery is still alive, and humans are being exploited for labor (products we buy) and the sexual exploitation of mostly women and children.

Human trafficking only happens with the collusion of corrupt and inept governments around the globe, including the United States, which has renamed the U.S. Customs & Border Protection to the “U.S. Welcome Patrol”. Washington, D.C., is currently aiding and abetting transnational organized crime (TOC) groups to include human trafficking. A smoke and mirrors approach to U.S. border security has caused the deaths of thousands globally and has earned the human trafficking and terror groups that are also involved over $300 billion last year. It is one of the most profitable crimes in the world.

Over the last few years, I’ve personally traveled to East Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia) mentoring prosecutors and other officials on how to combat transnational crime. During my time on the ground in these countries, I discovered that human trafficking is much, much more sinister than the human mind could ever imagine.

These transnational organized crime (TOC) groups for years have been trafficking or “harvesting” organs, babies, and are involved in ritualistic human sacrifice killings (witchcraft) and even cannibalism. Due to widespread corruption, “shadow” wars in over 20 African nations and poverty, these unthinkable crimes are ongoing in most of Africa.

Recently, the U.N. stated that one out of every three human trafficking victims worldwide is from Africa and the World Health Organization reported 10,000 kidneys were illegally harvested - one every hour. Currently, 62 doctors in Uganda are under investigation for illegally harvesting organs for transnational crime groups. Today, in Nigeria alone, over 10,000 children are missing or kidnapped for their organs, labor, sexual exploitation, soldiers or human sacrifices.

In March 2023, I met with a senior Ugandan police official who helps manage the “Human Sacrifice Task Force”. In 2021, this task force reported 46 murders and, in 2022, 72 murders. In addition, Ugandan police recently discovered nearly a dozen babies in an apartment who were smuggled from South Sudan. The target was and is operating a “nonprofit” in South Sudan for homeless women and children and has ties to the president of South Sudan. It’s alleged that these babies were to be sold into the Middle East but were recently returned to South Sudan. No arrest has been made. The target denies the allegations and is still operating the nonprofit center. In the Gabon Republic which borders the Congo, police arrested three Chinese nationals “in the act” of killing over a dozen African workers for their tissue. Social media reports corroborate the barbaric images received which confirms that human flesh is a “lucrative business in China” since human tissue is a “delicacy.”

Human trafficking is more than a violation of human rights; it is also a threat to global security and to our civilization as highlighted. To ensure the U.S. remains a leader in the movement to end human trafficking, we must implement a comprehensive global response on the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic. A war against an unseen enemy that was defeated.

Eric Caron is a Special Agent (Ret) with 25 years of service. He is the author of "Switched On - The Heart & Mind of a Special Agent." His website is: